
8 March 1945

The Bridge of Remagen, Rhine River, Germany

21st Battalion Army Group, U.S. Corps

04:00. Several hours before the mission initiation

Hey, Honey.

It has been few years since I joined the Battalion. Too much things happen in a day. They said that days are same, but it is purely non-sense, Honey. I have seen hell. Many of my friends die here today. However, as the result, with that high price, we can secure many areas to push the Germans out. So much blood I have spilled today, Honey. Blood of the Germans, which is also somebody’s son, somebody’s brother, somebody’s lover, somebody’s husband. Many of my friends, best friends are too. I myself almost died today. A sniper almost took a beat on me here. Luckily, my hand got shot. As the price, my friend took a shot in his heart, while saying “Don’t die brother, your lover needs you…” That person is going to have a child, and he sacrificed himself for me, for you, Honey.

But, as time fades, you rarely reply my message. Every time you reply my message, I can feel some cold feelings, stiff heart. I can feel you are going to turn from me. You are paradox, Honey. You fight the wind, but you follow the flow. You fight the fire, but you also follow the oil to burn. I can barely understand you now. I intended to fight these Germans and take a couple medals for you, but now, I just want to go home.

However, in this condition, I sometimes just want to sleep on my brothers grieve; I do not know what to do. You are fading from my heart. I can feel you are with somebody else. Days become different and feel random, despite bullets flying randomly and can kill me at any time, I can feel something is different. My rifle feels different. I feel weird for reloading my weapon. The shooting that I did is not much of an exciting anymore because of you. Rain does not come like usual, marching with our victory. I do not know Honey. It is getting shaky and risky. The only reason that I still alive today, is because of you. However, I do not know now.

Ok. I get it. I get it. I really do, I know that you need me, but at that same time, I was not there. I was here, killing people. I understand. But please, understand this; the only thing that stands between you and the Germans, is me. Today, we are going to push inside the heart of Germany. If we succeed, we can end this war for good. I just have a bad feeling about this. I hope with you in mind, I can survive this. Do not give up honey. I will not give up either. (I left this letter untitled, because I am in a hurry to attend the briefing for next mission.)

Corporal Daniels

(A message from a soldier who loves his lover that deceased because of overwhelming ambush. Ambush of the Germans and… his heart. It is a true story with fictional character. The only thing that real is the love. Yeah, the love is real, for every soldier out there.)

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